lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

                                                                Dog story
Name:  Max
Location: Puerto Varas
Gender: male
Age: three years old
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Black and white
Eye color: Blue
Education: Domestic education
Personality:  formal, serious and dreamer.

Name: Lola
Location: Puerto Montt
Gender: female
Age: three years old
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Education:  No education
Personality:  informal, friendly adventurer and funny.

        Max is an adorable and elegant dalmata dog. He lived in a beautiful house of a very rich family in Puerto Varas. Max has everything that any dog would like to want, a nice home, food, and a warm place where sleep. Max was initially a happy dog ​​but over time he realized that his life was not what he wanted. He wanted to live adventures, meet different places and obviously freedom.
       One day after much thought Max decided run away of home .He walked and walked and arrived to center of Puerto Varas there he boarded a bus that went to Puerto Montt. He was scared, nervous but happy because he was doing what he really wanted. When he arrived to Puerto Montt he was exited and walked over the entire city. At nightfall he was scared and hungry, but never thought in back.
           Max tried to approach to others street dogs asking for a place where sleep, but the dogs mocked of him saying "the little girl is lost"  and ´´if you do not go off here we will kill you¨. So Max realized that to live on the streets was not like he imagined.  Suddenly he heard a sweet voice saying “over here, over here”, was Lola a beautiful and friendly street dog. She helped to him and advised him that never go alone during the nights because it was so dangerous. During the others days Lola gave to Max secrets of how survive on the streets. They forged a beautiful friendship that after turned into love. Max and Lola were made for ​​each to other and they lived many adventures together.
 One day everything changed. Max family found him and took him to home. Lola was desperate and very sad. Max felt so alone without Lola and decided run away again. When Max went back to Puerto Montt did not found her. The others street dogs said that they did not know anything about Lola and Max was looking for her by everywhere but did not found her. Max decided not back to home and spend the rest of his life on the streets looking his love. 

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